Rubber moulded bellows for search lights

Rubber moulded bellows for search lights on prison cameras:

Francis serachlights

Surveillance camera components


Rubber bellows for surveillance cameras

We worked with this client to prototype and manufacture these rubber moulded bellows to protect the wiring on their prison search lights.

The brief from  the client was to produce a rubber moulding to replace the existing dip moulded component that was breaking up in use. Techmould’s toolmakers produced prototypes which were tested for fit on the cameras before producing 1000 of the finished products out of EPDM [read more about rubber bonding materials].

Rubber cover for vehicle testing equipment

Rubber cover for vehicle testing equipment:

vehicle testing equipment components

Testing equipment facia

vehicle testing equipment

vehicle testing equipment

Techmould were asked to look at prototyping a rubber cover for one of their client’s vehicle testing products. The component was made using compression moulding from a Nitrile compound and Techmould went on from toolmaking and prototyping for this product to manufacturing a small run of 500 finished products. To read more about our rubber mouldings for the Electrical Industry follow this link.